
Learners are guided through the arguments of a given Concept Cartoon, and then encouraged to join in or expand on the discussion being depicted. While it’s possible to use this resource as an individual exercise, the concept works much more effectively in groups, as it allows a number of different access points for learners, such as votes, group exchanges and class debates. Each Concept Cartoon also includes suggestions for ways in which students can expand their understanding of the topic, alongside relevant factual information at the bottom of each page. While the language is mostly accessible throughout and the content accurate, the formatting of the text is quite clumpy. Readers can find themselves faced with large chunks of prose, making it sometimes not easy for all learners to access the material. Balancing that are blank speech bubbles in each Concept Cartoon, to which learners can add their own ideas and observations. The cartoons included in the book are also available as PDF and PowerPoint downloads (sold separately). Concept Cartoons is a brilliant way into expanding and varying the level of discussion in your classroom. It’s a flexible, versatile resource that can help stimulate scientific thinking, while at the same time encouraging learners to reveal and challenge both their own and others’ ideas. Science Concept Cartoons is a set of resources created by Jo Moules, Jo Horlock, Brenda Keogh and Stuart Naylor, based around disambiguating science through discussion of different viewpoints and questions that certain topics might raise. The Concept Cartoons approach has been researched in classrooms around the world and hitherto proved popular among both teachers and learners. The Science Concept Cartoons Set 2 book contains a series of simple illustrations that portray fictional characters voicing various statements and misconceptions that can be used as prompts for classroom discussion and argument. The resource is mainly designed for introductory or scaffolded discussion tasks, with each page-length segment easy to deploy as either a standalone task or as a supplement to other activities. On each page, one or more cartoon characters will be expressing a distinct opinion on the science under discussion, in the form of a declarative statement. The views shown are carefully presented so as to be plausible, while still highlighting common learner misconceptions identified by the authors. Chemistry, biology and physics are all covered as part of topics that include ‘earth and space’, ‘living things and their environments’ and ‘physical and chemical changes’. A collection of approachable visual aids for stimulating classroomdiscussion of scientific concepts and topics AT A GL ANCE S C I ENC E l Cartoon-style drawings that present familiar situations from different viewpoints to help students highlight common misconceptions and misunderstandings around science l Consistent and effective use of visuals to represent complex ideas that can be used to encourage student discussion l Emphasis on challenging and developing ideas and opinions REVI EW BY ADAM RICHES Find out more at millgatehouse.co.uk or by searching the Twitter hashtag #conceptcartoons � The cartoons effectively convey different viewpoints, thus modelling free thought and independent thinking � Embedded tasks help add depth to learning � The emphasis on different interpretations and viewpoints can help develop cross-curricular skills in argument and reasoning whilst building confidence Accurate and in-depth scientific language is used throughout, without making the text inaccessible V E R D I C T You are looking for a resource that will provide you with a wealth of engaging starting activities and ways of increasing talk in your classroom. It’s a resource that’s perfect for building skills in formulating opinions and arguments around specific scientific topics. U P G R A D E I F . . . Science Concept Cartoons Set 2 105 R E V I E W teachwire.net/secondary