
“ ” ZOOM If your school’s gone all-in on a Microsoft or Google package, then you may well have spent the last couple of weeks touching base with colleagues via Teams, Skype or Hangouts while working from home. Many others will have been negotiating the closure of the nation’s schools and the complete upending of their daily lives with the help of Zoom. Once you’ve signed up (zoom.us) and installed the required iOS, Android or desktop app, you’re good to go. Simply send an email link to anyone you’d like to remotely meet with, or schedule it in via Google Calendar or Outlook, and the next thing you know, there you both are. Staring at each other through grainy webcams, looking slightly haggard, but grimly determined to focus on the urgent timetabling and progress tracking conversation you’re about to have, while praying that your significant other can keep a lid on the kids’ restlessness for the 40 minutes of distance face time that your free Zoom account gives you. And definitely not surreptitiously casing out your colleague’s choice of interior furnishings, the size of their TV or reading tastes, no sir... 06 teachwire.net/secondary Thinkofanumber... 680,613 ONE FOR THE WALL "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.” Marie Curie Grab a coffee and spend five minutes exploring the lighter side of CPD… The newsletter “Can you hear me?” DO SAY What are we talking about? The National Theatre Collection for students and teachers at home What’s the targeted age range? 11-18 What’s on offer? 24 video recordings of National Theatre productions drawn from a decade of NT Live broadcasts that are now free for pupils and teachers to view at home via a remote access arrangement set up in partnership with Bloomsbury’s Drama Online Platform. The productions include Othello and The Cherry Orchard , plus adaptations of Romeo and Juliet and The Winter’s Tale created for younger audiences. Howmight teachers use the resource? Teachers can download a set of accompanying learning resources that explore the craft and processes involved in staging NT productions Where is it available? nationaltheatre.org.uk/ ntcollection DON’ T QUOTE ME… “Although staffcutsmaybe necessary,this is sometimes being donewith insufficientmonitoringof the effects onquality ofeducation. This is clearlynot theway to ensure that childrenandyoungpeople get the education theydeserve.” AmandaSpielman,HMChief Inspector,inablogpost thatwas subsequentlywithdrawn BEAT THE BUDGET The UNINFORMED teacher’s guide to… “I...you...-peat that...pl...se?” DON'T SAY Number of signatures on a government petition calling for schools to be closed, before the Education Secretary’s announcement on March 18th Source: petition.parliament.uk 82% The proportion of state secondary schools using online learning platforms to set/collect work while schools are closed Source: teachertapp.co.uk 4.2 million Number of children living in relative poverty in 2018/19, after accounting for housing costs, according to the government’s Households Below Average Income report Source: Department for Work and Pensions