
teachwire.net/secondary Lessons with a practical focus allow for many inclusive teaching opportunities that enable everyone to be involved in exploration and learning. This lesson focuses on the KS3 physics curriculum of forces. According to DfE guidance, “Pupils should be taught about forces, using force arrows in diagrams … resistance to motion of air and water … upthrust effects, floating and sinking." Lesson plan: SCIENCE KS3 Give your students a grounding in physical forces, with this inclusive practical science activity from Kate Bradley SUCH A DRAG! WHYTEACHTHIS? Does the shape of an object affect how quickly it moves and falls? How can we tell, and what effect will the object’s weight have on this? What combination of weight and shape will make an object move and fall faster? KEYCURRICULUM LINKS • Name forces that act on falling objects • Investigate the forces that act on falling objects • Explain why some objects fall faster than others DOWNLOAD a FREE KS3 lesson plan on the role of resistance within electrical circuits teachwire.net/ resistance Does the shape of an object change how fast it falls? Q 72 STARTER ACTIVITY As the students are entering the classroom, display three images of differently-sized and shaped fruit entering water on the whiteboard (Google Images can point you towards some suitable pictures). Have the key vocabulary of‘upthrust’, ‘streamlined’ and ‘drag’ also present. Students draw each of the objects and add force arrows. Additional support: Prepare three differently-sized and shaped fruits and bowls of water for students that may need to experience the phenomenon first hand before being able to visualise it, then complete the same task. Additional challenge: Upon completion of the task, ask the students to identify which force arrows will be the largest. Teacher check: Before moving on, ask for some feedback and correct any misconceptions. Present a slide to the class that displays two images – the first a streamlined sports car, and the second a more ‘boxy’ car. Ask a member of the class to describe what is meant by ‘streamlined’ and to describe some key features of the term. Additional support: Have two model cars on hand that are broadly similar to those shown in the pictures, so that the students are able to explore the features. Additional challenge: Ask the students to suggest what other items and types of vehicles may need to MAIN ACTIVITIES