Music/Young People Seminar to be Streamed Live!

  • Music/Young People Seminar to be Streamed Live!

​The national charity Youth Music will be live-streaming its “Fresh Thinking” breakfast seminar next week looking at the latest ways young people engage with music. A specially invited audience will hear three key speakers, including music journalist and radio presenter Pete Paphides, music strategist Chris Price and Radio 1 presenter Jen Long, examine the latest developments in the music industry and their impact on young people as music-makers, listeners and consumers.

Youth Music supports hundreds of music projects providing life-changing music-making for young people with least opportunity, helping them overcome the challenges they face in their lives. The projects provide places for over 100,000 children every year.

Chris Price will explore the changing ways that young people discover, share and make music as a form of self-expression. Radio 1 presenter Jen Long’s portfolio career in the music industry leaves her ideally placed to explore the theme “Music careers in the 21st Century” and Pete Paphides will look at ways of nurturing young music innovation in a time of recession.

Against the backdrop of reducing interest in GCSE and A level music and drawing on the seminar’s key speakers’ conclusions, Youth Music’s Executive Director Matt Griffiths will discuss the implications for music education and explore how we can ensure that it meets the needs of young people, reflecting and nurturing the ways they create, share and consume music.

The breakfast seminar takes place on Wednesday July 24th at the RSA in London from 8.45am to 10.30am and viewers can watch the seminar live online at

Questions for the Q & A panel can also be tweeted in live using the hashtag #ymseminar.

The seminar will be chaired by Andy Parfitt. Chair of Trustees and former Controller of BBC Radio 1.