Oxford Teaching Guides – Practical and Professional Development Books for Teachers, from OUP

  • Oxford Teaching Guides – Practical and Professional Development Books for Teachers, from OUP

At a glance

• Covering a wide range of nitty-gritty classroom needs, issues and skills

• Support, guidance and suggestions that are applicable across a range of settings

• Written by authoritative and award-winning teacher authors

• Inspired by the latest research

• A great way to boost professional capital, enhancing knowledge and practice

Personal and professional development is an ongoing journey for every teacher; and an increasing awareness of this has resulted in a situation where the market is now awash with CPD titles for educators, all vying for attention and hoping to make it into staffroom libraries.

But how can we really know which ones are worth our time and will enhance our skills in ways that will have a positive impact in the classroom?

It’s a conundrum – but luckily, not one that need trouble you any longer, thanks to a brand new series of ‘how-to’ books from Oxford University Press.

Quite simply, Oxford Teaching Guides are packed with wisdom and insights for energising your practice and bolstering your knowledge and understanding across different settings and contexts; in other words, they are just what every dedicated educator needs.

There are eight titles in total, and together they cover an impressive range of key areas for your CPD, including how to help students make progress, teaching grammar, enhancing subject knowledge in maths, evidence-based teaching, time-efficient and flexible planning, managing assessment, and strategies for effective differentiation – not to mention a superb, research-informed guide to teaching maths for mastery.

Whatever topic they focus on, these invaluable guides raise and answer plenty of powerful questions and help you analyse, reflect and connect your learning through practical recommendations, guidance, case studies and canny observations.

Moreover – and this is especially refreshing – they are written by teachers for teachers, and as a result of this, they use plain, no-nonsense language and explain topics with exceptional clarity.

All the books focus on what feeds into making you a more effective educator, looking at flexible strategies, practical techniques, methods and core concepts to inform and contribute towards meaningful impact.

They are great for dipping into and for helping you to think about your own practice more effectively.

They could be used for informal CPD, coaching and mentoring, inset days and staff meetings, learning development groups, action research, self-evaluation, dissemination or just personal reading.

Effective teachers are always looking to take responsibility for their own professional development and these books offer valuable insights for improving communication, collaboration and community.

They provide a ready reference tool for introducing tried and tested pedagogic nuggets in a fast, friendly and concise format, ideal for enhancing and refreshing your knowledge and classroom practice.


• Accessible, practical, succinct and affordable
• Sound and stimulating books ideal for self-guided enquiry, lesson study and small study groups
• Written in the language of the classroom practitioner
• Helps you reflect, monitor and adjust and become more competent and effective
• Identify and rectify your ongoing training needs, gaps and weaknesses

Upgrade if…

You are looking for pragmatic, concise and dependable advice for developing and monitoring your learning needs, boosting your intellectual horsepower and keeping up to date.

Find out more here.

Reviewed by John Dabell

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