Inspire the next generation of girls in tech

  • Inspire the next generation of girls in tech

On Ada Lovelace day 2015 Apps for Good, Capgemini and the Tech Partnership launched the Tech Future Women’s Network, an initiative which invites women working in the digital and technology sectors to take part in programmes promoting technology in schools. With women significantly under-represented in technology, the campaign seeks to tackle this gender imbalance by harnessing the energy of female role models to alter both girls and boys perceptions of the industry.

The first opportunity available to members of the TechFuture Women’s Network is to join the Apps for Good Expert Community. Experts share their skills and knowledge with enthusiastic student teams studying the course as they develop ideas for apps - getting loads of energy, inspiration and new perspectives in return. Speaking of the value of the Experts Debbie Forster, co-CEO of Apps for Good, noted “School students really value their interaction with business people, and the positive modelling they provide adds an extra dimension to the Apps for Good programme”.

To find out more or join the TechFuture Women’s Network visit