The Essential Guide to Managing Teacher Stress

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​The first point that Bill Rogers makes in this refreshingly honest look at how to manage the challenges faced by today’s educators is one that is all too often ignored when this subject is tackled: teaching is, in fact, a naturally stressful occupation. The simple acknowledgment that it’s not realistic to expect the job to come without a certain amount of pressure and anxiety is actually immensely empowering – because for many people working in schools, a major contributor to stress is a feeling that, somehow, a better teacher wouldn’t be feeling like this. Once he’s established the fallacy of this assumption, Rogers goes on to look at a comprehensive range of ways to limit and manage potentially stressful situations, whether through personal development, institutional reform, or both. There’s a lot of information packed into the pages of this scholarly yet eminently practical book – but Rogers’ writing style, blending theory and research with case studies and strategies, is engagingly readable.